Community Vessels Inc. has partnered with Mary J. Gray Scholarship fund to give selected high school seniors and collegiate students who have experienced homelessness or in poverty a scholarship up to $1,000. Selected students for this scholarship will be announced on March 8, 2025 at the Gospel Scholarship Fashion Show & Celebration Event. For more details on how to donate, please visit the Community Vessels Inc. home page.
* Active full-time enrolled student in High School, Junior/Community College, or California State University
* Email/Mail a recommendation letter from teacher/professor, coach, or mentor
* Have a GPA of 3.0 and above
*Cannot Be A Resident of Riverside County
Note: High School student must be seniors and show proof of college/university enrollment at the time of receiving the scholarship.
If you are interested please email or mail your scholarship interest One page letter along with a recommendation. Deadline: February 20, 2025
Ready to submit your scholarship interest letter & recommendation to be considered for a scholarship, but you have questions? Please email Founder/CEO Dr. Hearn your questions.
Email: ANHearn@CommunityVessels.Org
Mail: Community Vessels Inc. P.O. Box 1347, Los Angeles, CA 90001
Phone: (323) 739-2180